In this world dominated by big-government democracies, we talk a lot about politics. But more important than politics is policy, and most important are the structures of government and the nature of government.
This substack will be about critically thinking about what government is, what its good at, and how we can structure better governments in the future. While many strides have been made technologically, culturally, and legally, it seems clear that critical thinking about the nature, structure, and philosophy of our governments has stagnated. I would like to revitalize that thinking.
What changes should we be pushing our governments to make?
How should we design the constitutions for new governments?
What do we want governments to look like in 500 years?
Will it be a Star-Trek-like communist utopia? Will it be a Star-Wars-like Empire? Or will it be a Snow-Crash-like privatized Minarchy?
There are plenty of people writing about politics, international affairs, and about what government is. And there are plenty of people writing about specific bills or specific improvements to a constitution or code of law. This isn’t one of those. I decided to write this substack because there doesn’t seem to be a lot of people writing about what government should be as a whole.
To discuss government, this will contain economics, philosophy, and history. Since I live in the US, the discussion will necessarily have a strong US-leaning bent.
I will generally try to post reasonably high-quality content about once every month or two here. If I get enough subscribers, I’ll increase that. And if you want me to write about something in particular, let me know in the comments!